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Plants of the NJ Pine Barrens



The NJ Pinelands is made up of dense forests of pine and oak; cedar and hardwood swamps bordering rivers and streams; pitch pine lowlands; and bogs and marshes, usually near the coast. The Pinelands also contains over 12,000 acres of "pygmy forest," a unique stand of dwarf, but mature, pine and oak, most less than 11 feet tall.

Approximately 850 species of plants can be found here, including rare plants such as the curly grass fern, and Pine Barrens Gentian. The Pinelands also contains range overlaps, where species of 109 southern plants and 14 northern plants reach their geographic limits. Development of the unique plants of the Pinelands is also closely related to the occurrence of fire, which is common in the region.

Pinelands Preservation Alliance
The Pinelands Preservation Alliance (PPA) is a private, non-profit environmental organization dedicated to saving the Pinelands of NJ. They use advocacy and education to involve the public and persuade government to protect the natural and cultural resources of this extraordinary region. Check their website and follow them on Facebook!





Atlantic white cedar - Chamaecyparis thyoides
red (or swamp) maple - Acer rubella
sour gum - Nyasa sylvatica
pitch pine - Pinus rigida
swamp magnolia - magnolia virginiana


high bush blueberry -Vaccinium

dangleberry - Gaylussacia frondosa
dwarf huckelberry -Gaylussacia dumosa
swamp azalea - Rhododendron viscosum
sweet pepperbush - Clethra alnifolia
fetterbush - Leucothoe racemosa
bayberry - Myrica pensylvanica
Cranberry plant ready for harvestcranberry - Vaccinium macrocarpon
partridgeberry - Mitchella repens
leather leaf - Chamaedaphne calyculata
sheep laurel - Kalmia angustifolia
staggerbush - Lyonia mariana
pyxie - Pyxidanthera barbulata


ceous plants

swamp pink - Helonias The regal lady's slipper, a common orchid of the Pine Barrensbullata
pitcher plant - Sarracenia purpurea
Fragrant water lily - Nymphaea odorata
round-leaved sundew - Drosera rotundifolia
spatulate- leaved sundew - Drosera intermedia
thread-leaved sundew - Drosera filiformis fibrous
bladderwort - Utricularia fibrosa
horned bladderwort - Utricularia cornuta
turkeybeard - Xerophyllum asphodeloides
white fringed orchid - Habenaria blephariglottis
yellow crested orchid - Habenaria cristata
rose pogonia - Pogonia ophioglossoides
spatterdock - Nuphar variegatum

Ferns and Fern Allies

cinnamon fern - Osmunda cinnamomea
virgina chain fern - Woodwardia virginica


sphagnum or peat moss - Sphagnum


Mountain Laurel in full bloom in the Pine BarrensTrees

pitch pine - Pinus rigida
shortleaf pine - Pinus echinata
black oak - Quercus velutina
chestnut oak - Quercus prinus
white oak - Quercus alba
scarlet oak - Quercus coccinea


black huckleberry - Gaylussacia baccata
dangleberry - Gaylussacia frondosa
lowbush blueberry - Vaccinium vacillans
sweetfern - Comptonia peregrina
mountain laurel - Kalmia latifolia

Herbaceous Plants

Arrow Plantcow wheat - Melampyrum lineare
goat's rue - Tephrosia virginiana
bracken fern - Pteridium aquilinum
wintergreen (Teaberry) - Gaultheria-procumbens
Pennsylvania sedge - Carex-pensylvanica
lichens - Cladonia spp.





pitch pine - Pinus rigida
blackjack oak - Quercus marilandica
scrub oak - Quercus ilicifolia
post oak - Quercus stellata


broom crowberry - Corema conradii
mountain laurel - Kalmia latifolia
sheep laurel - Kalmia angustifolia*
bearberry - Archtostaphylos-uva-ursi
pinebarrens heather - Hudsonia ericoides
black huckleberry - Gaylussacia baccata
pyxie - Pyxidanthera barbulata*

* found in wet areas

Data Source: NJ Pinelands Commission

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The Pine Barrens is becoming a popular tourist destination. It offers history, nature, boating, camping, fishing, swimming, and most of all, peace and tranquility. It's important to families who live here, whether for a few years or many generations, that our peace and tranquility be preserved.A local lawyer or doctor won't look any different than his neighbor who works the land. Thousand dollar suits aren't what impress people of the Pines - taking care of nature and fellow man is what matters. To that end, it is important for you to know that as a visitor to our precious Pine Barrens, you should show respect for the flora and fauna, for the historical buildings or their remains, and show respect for the "locals". Walk and drive gently. Treat our Pine Barrens as you would want a visitor to treat your own home town - and your own family. Thank you.


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Barnegat NJ 08005

Owner-Webmaster: Cathy Antener

Please note: Unless otherwise noted, all articles and photographs on this site are the property of PineyPower, and as such, may not be reproduced without written permission.
Thank you.